Renewable Fertiliser Sales

Here at C A Lime Ltd we have made the decision to expand our services, bringing in a dedicated sales advisor to bring you environmentally friendly, renewable fertilisers.

  • Phosphate
  • Potash
  • Sulphur
  • Magnesium
  • Sodium
  • Trace Elements

Providing a cost effective alternative source of plant nutrition

Going forward we can not only provide you will Lime, Soil Testing, Agri-Plastics Recycling, but now with our new staff member, Megan Ward, we can give you professional advice on what renewable ash based fertilisers of various grades is best for your crops/fields, supply and apply all in a timely fashion, making us a one stop shop for all your soils needs.

Megan is FACTS registered. For us, alongside our training and trading supply partners JSE Systems, Megan will help you with your fertiliser requirements and help you grow bigger and better crops, cost effectively, looking after your needs and the environment.

C A Lime are increasing the alternative PK products we can offer that are low carbon, carbon neutral, and carbon negative fertilisers, as we transition to a lower carbon world we can still meet your crop demands.


Fibrophos also includes significant quantities of Sulphur, Magnesium, Calcium, Sodium and a range of essential trace elements required by crops and grassland to achieve high yields.

As Fibrophos is produced from the incineration of manure from cereal fed poultry, the nutrients are in a ratio similar to that removed by the crop, therefore making Fibrophos an excellent choice building a stable and balanced level of nutrients within the soil.

Fibrophos is available in a range of grades to suit various situations. All grades contain the full range of secondary and trace elements:

Repeated independent trials of Fibrophos have shown it to be as effective at maintaining PK indices as TSP and MOP.

An extremely cost effective source of P&K against both blends and straights even before considering the ‘free’ secondary and trace elements included.


P-Grow provides an excellent source of phosphate, ideal for arable cropping and grassland where higher applications of P are required. Available in 2 grades P-Grow is a sustainably produced, renewable UK fertiliser that contains a range of secondary and trace elements offering a fantastic alternative to bagged fertilisers.


Exclusive to our trading partnerJSE Systems   –  Salt Root Fertiliser’ is the very cost effective source of Potassium with free Sodium!!


Recycled Calcium Sulphate (CaSO4. 2H2O) containing 22% Calcium and 19% Sulphur.

A highly consistent, free flowing spreadable product with a highly accredited purity level. Acid soils are naturally low in Calcium therefore where additional Calcium is needed; gypsum is an ideal source for these crops. Potatoes and carrots are often grown in acidic soils to control common scab and cavity spot. In these conditions gypsum will help prevent common scab and reduce cavity spot and improve the skin quality.

The product has a unique blend of properties that contribute positively to the Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) and nutrient storage in the soil. This relationship between the elements of Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and Sodium as positively charged ions plays a very important role in modern day crop production. In potato and carrot production we have successfully seen a series of benefits to our customers.
Our product is recognised and accredited by the Soil Association for use in Organic Crop Production.

Gypsum is highly soluble, therefore it is an excellent source of calcium and sulphur, especially on acid loving crops.

Gypsum has been widely used in global agriculture for many years principally to:

Add calcium without raising the pH of the soil

For crops that require higher levels of Sulphur and / or Calcium

On light sandy soils that do not hold nutrients

On crops that require acidic soils

To obtain calcium and sulphur in their most soluble form

To improve the calcium / magnesium ratio

To correct salt damage

To help in waterlogged areas

Gypsum has been used to improve soil structure. The calcium in the gypsum increases the ability of the soil particles to flocculate. This is the formation of small crumbs in the soil structure which is needed for good rooting, drainage and nutrient uptake.

For land which has a high magnesium content the application of Gypsum has transformed the soil properties to enable a dramatic reduction in the required horse power to work the soils more easily.


Phosphate-rich fertiliser for Britain’s arable farmers

pkup is a sustainable fertiliser that releases phosphate gradually as the crop requires it.

pkup is not easily leached and can be applied at any time of the year by your local contractor, saving you valuable time at peak periods.

pkup is rich in phosphate and potash to improve early root development.

pkup is available to all crops and will raise your soil phosphate indices.

pkup provides phosphate in an available form as the crop needs it.

pkup is a totally natural product.

pkup is produced at state-of-the-art power stations in the UK, producing green electricity for Britain.